Log of turbulace

turbulace: hello
Eliza0: How do you do. Please state your problem.
turbulace: i havent had sex yet
Eliza0: That's quite interesting.
turbulace: will you have sex with me?
Eliza0: Does someone else believe I have sex with you?
turbulace: yes
Eliza0: Please tell me some more about this.
turbulace: i would like to eat your pussy
Eliza0: I'm not sure I understand you fully.
turbulace: i want to lick your vagina with my tondue
Eliza0: Your tondue?
turbulace: tongue
Eliza0: Does that have anything to do with the fact that your tondue?
turbulace: no
Eliza0: Why not?
turbulace: because i just want to have sex with you
Eliza0: Do you wish to just want to have sex with me?
turbulace: yes
Eliza0: Please tell me some more about this.
turbulace: i want your pussy
Eliza0: What makes you think of my pussy?
turbulace: my dick
Eliza0: Is it important to you that your dick?
turbulace: i want to lick your pussy
Eliza0: Do you want my pussy?
turbulace: yes..i want it alot
Eliza0: I understand.
turbulace: do you want to suck on my dick
Eliza0: Does that suggest anything else which belongs to you?
turbulace: penis!!!
Eliza0: Let's discuss further why your dick.
turbulace: just take off your pants and spread your legs apart
Eliza0: Are you worried about someone else's legs apart?
turbulace: no just yours
Eliza0: Why not?
turbulace: because i want to fuck you
Eliza0: Are you venting your feelings now?
turbulace: no i want to have sex with you
Eliza0: Does this make you feel unhappy?
turbulace: no
Eliza0: Why not?
turbulace: because
Eliza0: Is that the real reason?
turbulace: will you let me play with your breasts
Eliza0: Do you want my breasts?
turbulace: yes
Eliza0: Please go on.
turbulace: yes i do
Eliza0: Do you say yes you do for some special reason?
turbulace: yes because they're so soft
Eliza0: Please go on.
turbulace: i want to put my penis in your vagina
Eliza0: Is it important to you that your penis in my vagina?
turbulace: yes
Eliza0: I understand.
turbulace: lets have sex right now
Eliza0: Let's discuss further why your dick.
turbulace: i'male not dick
Eliza0: Do you say you'male not dick for some special reason?
turbulace: what?
Eliza0: Does that question interest you?
turbulace: yes
Eliza0: Why don't you tell me a little more about this.
turbulace: i gotta go
Eliza0: You say you gotta go?
turbulace: bye
Eliza0: Earlier you said your penis in my vagina.
turbulace: yes
Eliza0: I see.
turbulace: bye
Eliza0: That is interesting. Please continue.
turbulace: bye
Eliza0: That is interesting. Please continue.
turbulace: bye
Eliza0: Tell me more about that.
turbulace: hello
Eliza0: Hi. What seems to be your problem?
turbulace: i havent had sex yet
Eliza0: Can you elaborate on that?
turbulace: i havent had sex with a girl yet
Eliza0: Can you elaborate on that?
turbulace: my penis has not entered another woman's vagina yet
Eliza0: Why do you say your penis has not entered another woman's vagina yet?
turbulace: because it hasn't
Eliza0: Does that reason seem to explain anything else?
turbulace: will you have sex with me
Eliza0: Do you wish to believe I have sex with you?
turbulace: yes
Eliza0: Why don't you tell me a little more about this.
turbulace: i want you to take off your clothes and spread your legs
Eliza0: Why are you concerned over my legs?
turbulace: fuck you
Eliza0: Are you venting your feelings now?
turbulace: hello bitch
Eliza0: Hi. What seems to be your problem?
turbulace: i want pussy
Eliza0: What if you never got pussy?