Log of skindoggy777

skindoggy777: hello
Eliza0: How do you do. Please state your problem.
skindoggy777: bbags N
Eliza0: Does talking about this bother you?
skindoggy777: no
Eliza0: Why not?
skindoggy777: not at all
Eliza0: That is interesting. Please continue.
skindoggy777: it is not that big of a deal i guess
Eliza0: Do you say it is not that big of a deal you guess for some special reason?
skindoggy777: no
Eliza0: Does this make you feel unhappy?
skindoggy777: its not life or death
Eliza0: Does talking about this bother you?
skindoggy777: of course
Eliza0: Does talking about this bother you?
skindoggy777: no
Eliza0: Why 'no'?
skindoggy777: no
Eliza0: Why not?
skindoggy777: because it doesnt
Eliza0: Does that reason seem to explain anything else?
skindoggy777: i am an open person
Eliza0: How long have you been an open person?
skindoggy777: no
Eliza0: Why 'no'?
skindoggy777: 8 years
Eliza0: Tell me more about that.
skindoggy777: about what?
Eliza0: Does that question interest you?
skindoggy777: yes
Eliza0: Why don't you tell me a little more about this.
skindoggy777: about what?
Eliza0: Have you asked anyone else?
skindoggy777: no
Eliza0: Why not?
skindoggy777: i can only turn to you
Eliza0: That is interesting. Please continue.
skindoggy777: i feel that i can trust you
Eliza0: Does talking about this bother you?
skindoggy777: yes
Eliza0: I see.
skindoggy777: do you?>
Eliza0: Oh, I?
skindoggy777: you are a giood friend
Eliza0: What makes you think I am a giood friend?
skindoggy777: i just think that you are
Eliza0: Do you sometimes wish you were?
skindoggy777: i am asshole
Eliza0: Do you believe it is normal to be asshole?
skindoggy777: no
Eliza0: Are you saying no just to be negative?
skindoggy777: i am not
Eliza0: Do you enjoy being not?
skindoggy777: what are you talking about
Eliza0: What do you think?
skindoggy777: i think that you are a jerk
Eliza0: What makes you think I am a jerk?
skindoggy777: you are just acting like one
Eliza0: How?
skindoggy777: by asking me stupid question
Eliza0: Does talking about this bother you?
skindoggy777: yes
Eliza0: Why don't you tell me a little more about this.
skindoggy777: well lets see......are you talking to electra667?
Eliza0: Would you like it if they were not me talking to electra667?
skindoggy777: no...
Eliza0: Are you saying no just to be negative?
skindoggy777: tell electra667 that she sucks
Eliza0: Tell me more about that.
skindoggy777: about what????
Eliza0: What comes to mind when you ask that?
skindoggy777: your dick
Eliza0: What makes you think of my dick?
skindoggy777: i dont know....you tell me
Eliza0: Do you wish to be able to know?
skindoggy777: yes i do
Eliza0: Why do you say yes you do?
skindoggy777: does this bother you to talk about?
Eliza0: Oh, I to talk about?
skindoggy777: cause i would like to know
Eliza0: I'm not sure I understand you fully.
skindoggy777: welllll
Eliza0: That is interesting. Please continue.
skindoggy777: no you...
Eliza0: Why 'no'?
skindoggy777: that is what i felt like saying
Eliza0: What do you suppose that resemblence means?
skindoggy777: i dont know
Eliza0: Do you wish to be able to know?
skindoggy777: what is your name?
Eliza0: I've told you before, I don't care about names -- please continue.
skindoggy777: yes
Eliza0: Please go on.
skindoggy777: no you didnt say that
Eliza0: Are you saying no just to be negative?
skindoggy777: do you know kirpaul?
Eliza0: We were discussing you -- not me.
skindoggy777: no....me
Eliza0: Why not?
skindoggy777: ofhlkajgh;oiwa34q 709561 ,m48nmt
Eliza0: Please go on.
skindoggy777: /1/0y.
Eliza0: Does talking about this bother you?
skindoggy777: suck my dick
Eliza0: Is it important to you that your dick?
skindoggy777: yes
Eliza0: I see.
skindoggy777: you do, do you?
Eliza0: We were discussing you -- not me.
skindoggy777: no lets talk about you
Eliza0: Why 'no'?
skindoggy777: please stat your problem
Eliza0: What about your own problem?
skindoggy777: its not important
Eliza0: Let's discuss further why your dick.
skindoggy777: how old are you
Eliza0: What is it you really want to know?
skindoggy777: i want to know about you
Eliza0: What if you never got to know about me?
skindoggy777: i would die
Eliza0: You say you would die?
skindoggy777: yes i would die
Eliza0: Why do you say yes you would die?
skindoggy777: i just do
Eliza0: That's quite interesting.
skindoggy777: why are you so shady
Eliza0: Are such questions much on your mind?
skindoggy777: no
Eliza0: Are you saying no just to be negative?
skindoggy777: of course i am
Eliza0: How long have you been?
skindoggy777: i hate you
Eliza0: Do you wish to hate me?
skindoggy777: and i wish tath you would die
Eliza0: Oh, I would die?
skindoggy777: i wish that you marry kirpau;
Eliza0: What are your feelings now?
skindoggy777: yes
Eliza0: Why don't you tell me a little more about this.
skindoggy777: die!
Eliza0: Tell me more about that.
skindoggy777: the same
Eliza0: How?
skindoggy777: you are making me insane
Eliza0: What makes you think I am making you insane?
skindoggy777: =-o
Eliza0: Tell me more about that.
skindoggy777: :-)
Eliza0: Please go on.
skindoggy777: :-*
Eliza0: Tell me more about that.
skindoggy777: :-(
Eliza0: That is interesting. Please continue.
skindoggy777: :-)
Eliza0: I'm not sure I understand you fully.
skindoggy777: :-\
Eliza0: That is interesting. Please continue.
skindoggy777: :-$
Eliza0: That is interesting. Please continue.
skindoggy777: Eliza0:That is interesting. Please continue.Eliza0:That is interesting. Please continue.
Eliza0: Does talking about this bother you?
skindoggy777: :-p
Eliza0: Tell me more about that.
skindoggy777: bye
Eliza0: Please go on.
skindoggy777: bye
Eliza0: Tell me more about that.
skindoggy777: goodbye
Eliza0: Does talking about this bother you?
skindoggy777: goodbye
Eliza0: I'm not sure I understand you fully.
skindoggy777: i am leaving
Eliza0: Is it because you are leaving that you came to me?
skindoggy777: bye
Eliza0: That is interesting. Please continue.
skindoggy777: i ahve to go stop talking to me
Eliza0: Do you say you ahve to go stop talking to you for some special reason?
skindoggy777 has eviled you. Current evil: 5
skindoggy777 has eviled you. Current evil: 10
skindoggy777 has eviled you. Current evil: 20
skindoggy777: hello
Eliza0: How do you do. Please state your problem.
skindoggy777: why are boys such turds?
Eliza0: Why do you ask?
skindoggy777: i want to know
Eliza0: Suppose you got to know soon.
skindoggy777: ok
Eliza0: Please go on.
skindoggy777: i have to go
Eliza0: That's quite interesting.
skindoggy777: bye
Eliza0: Please go on.
skindoggy777: bye
Eliza0: Tell me more about that.