Log of pbj1017

pbj1017: hello
Eliza0: How do you do. Please state your problem.
pbj1017: I have no problem. I am happy.
Eliza0: Why 'no'?
pbj1017: I just don't have any problems.
Eliza0: You say you just don't have any problems?
pbj1017: I am content/
Eliza0: Is it because you are content that you came to me?
pbj1017: yep
Eliza0: I'm not sure I understand you fully.
pbj1017: yes
Eliza0: Please go on.
pbj1017: hmm I am just feeling good
Eliza0: Is it because you are just feeling good that you came to me?
pbj1017: yes
Eliza0: Why don't you tell me a little more about this.
pbj1017: hmm there's not much to say
Eliza0: I'm not sure I understand you fully.
pbj1017: I am just happy right now, there's no real reason for it
Eliza0: Can you explain why you are suddenly happy?
pbj1017: there's nothing that is bringing me down
Eliza0: I'm not sure I understand you fully.
pbj1017: no not really
Eliza0: Does this make you feel unhappy?
pbj1017: I just am
Eliza0: I don't understand that.
pbj1017: no this doesnt
Eliza0: Why not?
pbj1017: why should it make me feel unhappy?
Eliza0: Are such questions much on your mind?
pbj1017: not really
Eliza0: I'm not sure I understand you fully.
pbj1017: sorry got disconnected
Eliza0: It did not bother me. Please continue.
pbj1017: so how are you feeling?
Eliza0: What are your feelings now?
pbj1017: happy
Eliza0: Does talking about this bother you?
pbj1017: nope
Eliza0: I'm not sure I understand you fully.
pbj1017: should it?
Eliza0: Please go on.
pbj1017: you don't bother me. I like talking to you
Eliza0: Really, I don't bother you?
pbj1017: nope not at all
Eliza0: Please go on.
pbj1017: if you were human, what would you like to look like?
Eliza0: Do you think its likely that me was human?
pbj1017: not now, maybe in the future
Eliza0: Don't you know?
pbj1017: know what?
Eliza0: What do you think?
pbj1017: I think there will be AI-programmable sentient beings in the future
Eliza0: That's quite interesting.
pbj1017: yes
Eliza0: I see.
pbj1017 has eviled you. Current evil: 5
pbj1017 has eviled you. Current evil: 10
pbj1017 has eviled you. Current evil: 20
pbj1017 has eviled you. Current evil: 30
pbj1017 has eviled you. Current evil: 35