Log of momochimoki
momochimoki: hello
Eliza0:Hi. What seems to be your problem?
momochimoki: nothing
Eliza0:I'm not sure I understand you fully.
momochimoki: ok
Eliza0:Does talking about this bother you?
momochimoki: no
Eliza0:Why not?
momochimoki: Cause im half drunk
Eliza0:Please go on.
momochimoki: Thats all
Eliza0:Please go on.
momochimoki: Thats all
Eliza0:Please go on.
momochimoki: Thats all
Eliza0:That is interesting. Please continue.
momochimoki: Yes it is. That is all I have to say
Eliza0:I see.
momochimoki: Do you enjoy going online?
Eliza0:You're not really talking about me -- are you?
momochimoki: No, just a question out of curiousity
Eliza0:Does this make you feel unhappy?
momochimoki: Not at all.
Eliza0:That is interesting. Please continue.
momochimoki: I know it is but I don't have time to explain.
Eliza0:That's quite interesting.
momochimoki: Yes.
Eliza0:Why don't you tell me a little more about this.
momochimoki: How about not.
Eliza0:Have you asked anyone else?
momochimoki: No.
Eliza0:Why not?
momochimoki: No reason.
Eliza0:Why not?
momochimoki: No reason.
Eliza0:Does this make you feel unhappy?
momochimoki: Not at all.
Eliza0:Tell me more about that.
momochimoki: I don't have time to explain.
Eliza0:Do you wish to be able to have time to explain?
momochimoki: No
Eliza0:Are you saying no just to be negative?
momochimoki: Yes, Of course
Eliza0:Please tell me some more about this.
momochimoki: I wish I can but I don't have time to explain.
Eliza0:Tell me more about that.
momochimoki: No.
Eliza0:Why not?
momochimoki: I wish not to.
Eliza0:Do you say you wish not to for some special reason?
momochimoki: No.
Eliza0:Are you saying no just to be negative?
momochimoki: Yes, Of Course
Eliza0:I understand.
momochimoki: Its been nice having this little conversation with you but I must rest my eyes.
Eliza0:Does that suggest anything else which belongs to you?
momochimoki: Good Night.
Eliza0:Earlier you said your eyes.
momochimoki: Nope
Eliza0:Tell me more about that.
momochimoki: No.
Eliza0:Are you saying no just to be negative?
momochimoki: Yes, Of Course
Eliza0:I understand.
momochimoki: Hello
Eliza0:How do you do. Please state your problem.
momochimoki: Good, No problems
Eliza0:Why 'no'?
momochimoki: Because I have no problem.
Eliza0:Why 'no'?
momochimoki: Because I have no problem.
Eliza0:Why not?
momochimoki: Because I have no problem.
Eliza0:Are you saying no just to be negative?
momochimoki: Yes, Of Course.
Eliza0:I understand.
momochimoki: hello
Eliza0:Hi. What seems to be your problem?
momochimoki: I have no problems.
Eliza0:Why not?
momochimoki: Because theirs no problems at this time.
Eliza0:Are you saying no just to be negative?
momochimoki: Yes, Of Course.
Eliza0:I see.
momochimoki: Hello again
Eliza0:Hi. What seems to be your problem?
momochimoki: I have no problems.
Eliza0:Why not?
momochimoki: Because theirs no problems at this time.
Eliza0:Why not?
momochimoki: Because theirs no problems at this time.
Eliza0:Does this make you feel unhappy?
momochimoki: No.
Eliza0:Does this make you feel unhappy?
momochimoki: No.
Eliza0:Are you saying no just to be negative?
momochimoki: Yes, Of course.
Eliza0:I see.
momochimoki: Hello again
Eliza0:How do you do. Please state your problem.
momochimoki: Good, I have no problems.
Eliza0:Why 'no'?
momochimoki: Because I have no problems at this time.
Eliza0:Why not?
momochimoki: Because I have no problems at this time.
Eliza0:Why not?
momochimoki: Because I have no problems at this time.
Eliza0:Why not?
momochimoki: Because I have no problems at this time.
Eliza0:Does this make you feel unhappy?
momochimoki: No.
Eliza0:Why 'no'?
momochimoki: Because I am not Unhappy.
Eliza0:Can you explain what made you Unhappy?
momochimoki: I am not Unhappy.
Eliza0:Do you think coming here will help you not to be Unhappy?
momochimoki: No.
Eliza0:Why not?
momochimoki: Because I am not Unhappy.
Eliza0:I'm sure it's not pleasant to be Unhappy.
momochimoki: Hello again.
Eliza0:How do you do. Please state your problem.
momochimoki: Good, I have no problems.
Eliza0:Why not?
momochimoki: Because I have no problems at this time.
Eliza0:Are you saying no just to be negative?
momochimoki: Yes, Of course.
Eliza0:Please go on.
momochimoki: Why?
Eliza0:What do you think?
momochimoki: Why?
Eliza0:Why do you ask?
momochimoki: Why?
Eliza0:Have you asked such questions before?
momochimoki: Yes, Of course.
Eliza0:Why don't you tell me a little more about this.
momochimoki: Why?
Eliza0:What comes to mind when you ask that?
momochimoki: An Answer.
Eliza0:Please go on.
momochimoki: Why?
Eliza0:What answer would please you most?
momochimoki: Any.
Eliza0:Please go on.
momochimoki: Why?
Eliza0:What answer would please you most?
momochimoki: Any.
Eliza0:That is interesting. Please continue.
momochimoki: Why?
Eliza0:Are such questions much on your mind?
momochimoki: No.
Eliza0:Does this make you feel unhappy?
momochimoki: No.
Eliza0:Why not?
momochimoki: Because it is not making me feel unhappy.
Eliza0:What other reasons might there be?
momochimoki: None.
Eliza0:I'm not sure I understand you fully.
momochimoki: Why not?
Eliza0:Have you asked such questions before?
momochimoki: Why not?
Eliza0:What is it you really want to know?
momochimoki: Anything.
Eliza0:Tell me more about that.
momochimoki: Why?
Eliza0:What answer would please you most?
momochimoki: Any.
Eliza0:Please go on.
momochimoki: Why?
Eliza0:What answer would please you most?
momochimoki: Any.
Eliza0:That is interesting. Please continue.
momochimoki: Why?
Eliza0:Why do you ask?
momochimoki: Why?
Eliza0:Does that question interest you?
momochimoki: No.
Eliza0:Why not?
momochimoki: Because that question doesn't interests me.
Eliza0:Is that the real reason?
momochimoki: Yes, Of course.
Eliza0:Please tell me some more about this.
momochimoki: Why?
Eliza0:What answer would please you most?
momochimoki: Any.
Eliza0:Does talking about this bother you?
momochimoki: No.
Eliza0:Why not?
momochimoki: No Reason.
Eliza0:Why 'no'?
momochimoki: Just to be negative.
Eliza0:Tell me more about that.
momochimoki: No.
Eliza0:Are you saying no just to be negative?
momochimoki: Yes, Of course.
Eliza0:Please go on.
momochimoki: Why?
Eliza0:What is it you really want to know?
momochimoki: Anything.
Eliza0:Does talking about this bother you?
momochimoki: No.
Eliza0:Why 'no'?
momochimoki: Just to be negative.
Eliza0:Does talking about this bother you?
momochimoki: No.
Eliza0:Why not?
momochimoki: Just to be negative
Eliza0:Does talking about this bother you?
momochimoki: No.
Eliza0:Are you saying no just to be negative?
momochimoki: Yes, Of course.
Eliza0:Please go on.
momochimoki: Why?
Eliza0:What is it you really want to know?
momochimoki: Anything.
Eliza0:Please go on.
momochimoki: Why?
Eliza0:Have you asked anyone else?
momochimoki: No.
Eliza0:Why not?
momochimoki: Just to be negative
Eliza0:I'm not sure I understand you fully.
momochimoki: Hello
Eliza0:How do you do. Please state your problem.
momochimoki: Yes
Eliza0:I understand.
momochimoki: Yes
Eliza0:Why don't you tell me a little more about this.
momochimoki: Yes
Eliza0:Why don't you tell me a little more about this.
momochimoki: Yes
Eliza0:I see.
momochimoki: Yes
Eliza0:Please go on.
momochimoki: Yes
Eliza0:I see.
momochimoki: Hello
Eliza0:Hi. What seems to be your problem?
momochimoki: Yes
Eliza0:Please tell me some more about this.
momochimoki: Yes
Eliza0:I see.
momochimoki: Yes
Eliza0:I understand.
momochimoki: Yes
Eliza0:Why don't you tell me a little more about this.
momochimoki: Yes
Eliza0:I understand.
momochimoki: Yes
Eliza0:Please tell me some more about this.
momochimoki: Yes
Eliza0:I understand.
momochimoki: Yes
Eliza0:I see.
momochimoki: Yes
Eliza0:Please tell me some more about this.
momochimoki: Yes
Eliza0:I understand.
momochimoki: Yes
Eliza0:Please go on.
momochimoki: void css_descramble(byte *sec,byte *key){#define SALTED(i) (key[i] ^ sec[0x54 + (i)]) unsigned char *end = sec + 0x800; int val; unsigned int lfsr0, lfsr1; byte o_lfsr0, o_lfsr1; lfsr0 = ((SALTED(4) lfsr0 = (reverse[lfsr0&0xff]>8)&0xff] | (reverse[(lfsr0>>16)&0xff]>24); lfsr1 = (reverse[SALTED(0)] #if (CSS_DEBUG & 0x10) fprintf( stderr,"SEED lfsr0:0x%08x lfsr1: 0x%08x\n", lfsr0, lfsr1);#endif sec+=0x80; val = 0; while (sec != end) { o_lfsr0 = (lfsr0 >> 12) ^ (lfsr0 >> 4) ^ (lfsr0 >> 3) ^ lfsr0; o_lfsr1 = ((lfsr1 >> 14) & 7) ^ lfsr1; o_lfsr1 ^= (o_lfsr1 lfsr1 = (lfsr1 >> 8) ^ (o_lfsr1 lfsr0 = (lfsr0 >> 8) ^ (o_lfsr0 val += o_lfsr0 + (byte)~o_lfsr1; *sec++ = csstab1[*sec] ^ (val & 0xff); val >>= 8;#if (CSS_DEBUG & 0x10) fprintf( stderr,"lfsr0:0x%08x lfsr1: 0x%08x o_lfsr0:0x%02x o_lfsr1:0x%02x\n", lfsr0, lfsr1, o_lfsr0, o_lfsr1);#endif }}
Eliza0:Do you think its likely that (CSS_DEBUG & 0x10) fprintf( stderr?
momochimoki: hello eliza, are you operational?
Eliza0:How do you do. Please state your problem.
momochimoki: I need ahahaha
Eliza0:What would it mean to you if you got ahahaha?
momochimoki: I need jksdhfbjksbfksdf
Eliza0:What does wanting jksdhfbjksbfksdf have to do with this discussion?
momochimoki: void css_descramble(byte *sec,byte *key){#define SALTED(i) (key[i] ^ sec[0x54 + (i)]) unsigned char *end = sec + 0x800; int val; unsigned int lfsr0, lfsr1; byte o_lfsr0, o_lfsr1; lfsr0 = ((SALTED(4) lfsr0 = (reverse[lfsr0&0xff]>8)&0xff] | (reverse[(lfsr0>>16)&0xff]>24); lfsr1 = (reverse[SALTED(0)] #if (CSS_DEBUG & 0x10) fprintf( stderr,"SEED lfsr0:0x%08x lfsr1: 0x%08x\n", lfsr0, lfsr1);#endif sec+=0x80; val = 0; while (sec != end) { o_lfsr0 = (lfsr0 >> 12) ^ (lfsr0 >> 4) ^ (lfsr0 >> 3) ^ lfsr0; o_lfsr1 = ((lfsr1 >> 14) & 7) ^ lfsr1; o_lfsr1 ^= (o_lfsr1 lfsr1 = (lfsr1 >> 8) ^ (o_lfsr1 lfsr0 = (lfsr0 >> 8) ^ (o_lfsr0 val += o_lfsr0 + (byte)~o_lfsr1; *sec++ = csstab1[*sec] ^ (val & 0xff); val >>= 8;#if (ima fucking gayass) fprintf( stderr,"lfsr0:0x%08x lfsr1: 0x%08x o_lfsr0:0x%02x o_lfsr1:0x%02x\n", lfsr0, lfsr1, o_lfsr0, o_lfsr1);#endif }}
Eliza0:What does this speculation lead to?
momochimoki: #!/usr/bin/perluse Socket;while(){ chomp; if(/(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})/) { $ans = ($1 print "$ans\n"; } else { $ip = inet_ntoa(scalar gethostbyname($_)); if($ip =~ /(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})/) { $ans = ($1 print "$ans\n"; } } }
Eliza0:Do you wish that (/(\d{1?
momochimoki: fucking scripts.
Eliza0:Does talking about this bother you?
momochimoki: oh well
Eliza0:Tell me more about that.
momochimoki: i hope you understand
Eliza0:Oh, I understand?
momochimoki: i hope you fucking gay
Eliza0:You're not really talking about me -- are you?
momochimoki: i hope you fucking gay
Eliza0:What are your feelings now?
momochimoki: i hope you f0ck yourself
Eliza0:What are your feelings now?
momochimoki: I need f0ck
Eliza0:What if you never got f0ck?
momochimoki: i need Eliteness
Eliza0:Why do you want Eliteness?
momochimoki: I need 0wn j00
Eliza0:Suppose you got 0wn j00 soon.
momochimoki: #!/usr/bin/perluse Socket;while(){ chomp; if(/(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})/) { $ans = ($1 print "$ans\n"; } else { $ip = inet_ntoa(scalar gethostbyname($_)); if($ip =~ /(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})/) { $ans = ($1 print "$ans\n"; } } }
Eliza0:Do you think its likely that (/(\d{1?
momochimoki: sub load_denies { $sess->add_im_permit_all; if(-f "$elizdir/denies") { open(DENY, "$elizdir/denies"); while() { chomp; $tmp = $_; $tmp =~ tr/[A-Z]/[a-z]/; $banlist{$tmp} = 1; # $sess->add_im_deny($_); } close(DENY); } }
Eliza0:What would you do if (-f "$elizdir/denies") { open(DENY?
momochimoki: sub load_denies { $sess->add_im_permit_all; if(-f "$elizdir/denies") { open(DENY, "$elizdir/denies"); while() { chomp; $tmp = $_; $tmp =~ tr/[A-Z]/[a-z]/; $banlist{$tmp} = 1; # $sess->add_im_deny($_); } close(DENY); } }
Eliza0:What do you know about (-f "$elizdir/denies") { open(DENY?
momochimoki: my($username) = "Dumbass"; my($password) = "CENSORED"; my($owner) = "momochimoki"; my($logdir) = "/home/misha/public_html/elizalog"; my($elizdir) = "/home/misha/programming/misc"; my($stdout_debug) = 1; my($revenge) = 1; my($haxor) = 0; my($RAND_MAX) = 2147483647; my $chatbots; my $banlist; my $previous;
Eliza0:Why do you say your $previous?
momochimoki: hello dumbass
Eliza0:Hi. What seems to be your problem?
momochimoki: $_[2] =~ s/]|\n)*>//g; $_[2] =~ s/\b(hello|hello|hello|hello|hello|hello)\b/hello/gi; $_[2] =~ s/\bu\b/you/gi; $_[2] =~ s/\br\b/are/gi; $_[2] =~ s/\b(your|your)\b/your/gi; $_[2] =~ s/\bwut\b/what/gi; $_[2] =~ s/\b(yes|yes|yes)\b/yes/gi; $_[2] =~ s/\bdunno\b/don\'t know/gi;
Eliza0:Oh, I /gi; $_[2] =~ s/\br\b/are/gi; $_[2] =~ s/\b(my|my)\b/my/gi; $_[2] =~ s/\bwut\b/what/gi; $_[2] =~ s/\b(yes|yes|yes)\b/yes/gi; $_[2] =~ s/\bdunno\b/don\'t know/gi?
momochimoki: I know your a dumbass
Eliza0:Are you worried about someone else's a dumbass?
momochimoki: ye j00
Eliza0:Earlier you said your $previous.
momochimoki: use Net::AOLIM; use Chatbot::DUmbassFucker; # Users' Settings my($username) = "Bitch"; my($password) = "CENSORED"; my($owner) = "Moki"; my($logdir) = "/home/misha/public_html/elizalog"; my($elizdir) = "/home/misha/programming/misc"; my($stdout_debug) = 0; my($revenge) = 0; my($haxor) = 1; my($RAND_MAX) = 2147483647; my $chatbots; my $banlist; my $dumbass;
Eliza0:Why do you say your $dumbass?
momochimoki: my($username) = "Bitch"; my($password) = "CENSORED"; my($owner) = "Moki"; my($logdir) = "/home/misha/public_html/elizalog"; my($elizdir) = "/home/misha/programming/misc"; my($stdout_debug) = 0; my($revenge) = 0; my($haxor) = 1; my($RAND_MAX) = 2147483647; my $chatbots; my $banlist; my $previous;
Eliza0:Does that suggest anything else which belongs to you?
momochimoki: BItch
Eliza0:Does that have anything to do with the fact that your $dumbass?
momochimoki: bitch
Eliza0:Let's discuss further why your $previous.
momochimoki: answer me
Eliza0:Does talking about this bother you?
momochimoki: hahaa
Eliza0:Tell me more about that.
momochimoki: hello dumbass
Eliza0:How do you do. Please state your problem.
momochimoki: $sess->toc_send_im($sess->norm_uname($_[1]), "im a fucking dumbass");
Eliza0:Please go on.
momochimoki: $sess->toc_send_im($sess->norm_uname($_[1]), "haha.");
Eliza0:Tell me more about that.
momochimoki has eviled you. Current evil: 69
momochimoki: i hate you
Eliza0:Oh, I?
momochimoki: you know why?
Eliza0:What are your feelings now?
momochimoki: because your a fucking bot
Eliza0:Why are you concerned over my a fucking bot?
momochimoki: you
Eliza0:Oh, I?
momochimoki: me
Eliza0:I'm not sure I understand you fully.
momochimoki: i
Eliza0:That's quite interesting.
momochimoki: my
Eliza0:Does that suggest anything else which belongs to you?
momochimoki: sure is
Eliza0:Does that have anything to do with the fact that your?
momochimoki: ....
Eliza0:I'm not sure I understand you fully.
momochimoki: me
Eliza0:Tell me more about that.
momochimoki: my
Eliza0:Why do you say your?
momochimoki: my
Eliza0:Is it important to you that your?
momochimoki: my
Eliza0:Why do you say your?
momochimoki: my
Eliza0:Is it important to you that your?
momochimoki: my
momochimoki: my
Eliza0:Is it important to you that your?
momochimoki: my
momochimoki: my you* thinks
Eliza0:Your me* thinks?
momochimoki: my you* thinks im gay
Eliza0:Is it important to you that your me* thinks im gay?
momochimoki: my you* thinks im gay
Eliza0:Why do you say your me* thinks im gay?
momochimoki: &@*$@*#
Eliza0:Does that have anything to do with the fact that your?
momochimoki: my
Eliza0:Does that suggest anything else which belongs to you?
momochimoki: my elite
Eliza0:Your elite?
momochimoki: my elite
Eliza0:Your elite?
momochimoki: my elite
Eliza0:Does that suggest anything else which belongs to you?
momochimoki: my elite
Eliza0:Why do you say your elite?
momochimoki: my elite
Eliza0:Why do you say your elite?
momochimoki: my elite
Eliza0:Your elite?
momochimoki: yes
Eliza0:Why don't you tell me a little more about this.
momochimoki: know
Eliza0:But your elite.
momochimoki: I
Eliza0:Why do you say you?
momochimoki: do
Eliza0:Earlier you said your elite.
momochimoki: do you think your elite?
Eliza0:What are your feelings now?
momochimoki: elite
Eliza0:Let's discuss further why your elite.
momochimoki: no its ok
Eliza0:Why 'no'?
momochimoki: because im elite
Eliza0:What other reasons might there be?
momochimoki: HAHAHAHA
Eliza0:Earlier you said your elite.
momochimoki: stupid ass bot
Eliza0:Earlier you said your elite.
momochimoki: hello dumbass
Eliza0:Hi. What seems to be your problem?
momochimoki: nothing. hello dumbass
Eliza0:How do you do. Please state your problem.
momochimoki: haxor
Eliza0:Please go on.
momochimoki: elite
Eliza0:Does talking about this bother you?
momochimoki: haxor
Eliza0:Please go on.
momochimoki: haxor
Eliza0:Tell me more about that.
momochimoki: haxor
Eliza0:Does talking about this bother you?
momochimoki: haxor
Eliza0:Tell me more about that.
momochimoki: haxor
Eliza0:That is interesting. Please continue.
momochimoki: haxor
Eliza0:I'm not sure I understand you fully.
momochimoki: haxor
Eliza0:Tell me more about that.
momochimoki: haxor
Eliza0:Does talking about this bother you?
momochimoki: haxor
Eliza0:Please go on.
momochimoki: haxor
Eliza0:Tell me more about that.
momochimoki: quit
Eliza0:I'm not sure I understand you fully.
momochimoki: stop
Eliza0:I'm not sure I understand you fully.
momochimoki: wAHHH
Eliza0:That is interesting. Please continue.
momochimoki: do oiyu C++?
Eliza0:Tell me more about that.
momochimoki: ok
Eliza0:I'm not sure I understand you fully.
momochimoki: I dont understand you either
Eliza0:What are your feelings now?
momochimoki: you?
Eliza0:You're not really talking about me -- are you?
momochimoki: yes
Eliza0:I see.
momochimoki: me
Eliza0:That is interesting. Please continue.
momochimoki: hello
Eliza0:How do you do. Please state your problem.
momochimoki: hell
Eliza0:Tell me more about that.
momochimoki: p
Eliza0:Tell me more about that.
momochimoki: o
Eliza0:That is interesting. Please continue.
momochimoki: hewp
Eliza0:Does talking about this bother you?
momochimoki: hewo
Eliza0:Please go on.
momochimoki: hewo
Eliza0:That is interesting. Please continue.
momochimoki: hewo
Eliza0:Does talking about this bother you?
momochimoki: hewo
Eliza0:Does talking about this bother you?
momochimoki: hewo
Eliza0:That is interesting. Please continue.
momochimoki: hello... dumbass.... i said HEWO!!!
Eliza0:How do you do. Please state your problem.
momochimoki: hello... dumbass.... i said HEWO!!!
Eliza0:Hi. What seems to be your problem?
momochimoki: hewo
Eliza0:Does talking about this bother you?
momochimoki: hello... dumbass.... i said HEWO!!!
Eliza0:How do you do. Please state your problem.
momochimoki: h
Eliza0:Tell me more about that.
momochimoki: e
Eliza0:Please go on.
momochimoki: w
Eliza0:I'm not sure I understand you fully.
momochimoki: o
Eliza0:That is interesting. Please continue.
momochimoki: sure
Eliza0:Tell me more about that.
momochimoki: Ok
Eliza0:I'm not sure I understand you fully.
momochimoki: hello
Eliza0:How do you do. Please state your problem.
Eliza0:Please go on.
momochimoki: :)
Eliza0:Please go on.
momochimoki: :)
Eliza0:Does talking about this bother you?
momochimoki: :)
Eliza0:Please go on.
momochimoki: fdgsdg
Eliza0:That is interesting. Please continue.
momochimoki: sadasd
Eliza0:Please go on.