Log of VaZnStrYdeR
VaZnStrYdeR: bonjour
Eliza0:Does talking about this bother you?
VaZnStrYdeR: 3
Eliza0:That is interesting. Please continue.
VaZnStrYdeR: 3918932891831
Eliza0:Tell me more about that.
VaZnStrYdeR: wewew
Eliza0:Does talking about this bother you?
VaZnStrYdeR: 55646
Eliza0:Please go on.
VaZnStrYdeR: 232323
Eliza0:I'm not sure I understand you fully.
VaZnStrYdeR: 232
Eliza0:That is interesting. Please continue.
VaZnStrYdeR: shut up
Eliza0:Does using that kind of language make you feel better ?
VaZnStrYdeR has eviled you. Current evil: 88