Log of Tap Dancing Fish
Tap Dancing Fish: doe it slow you down when you are at a high % ???
Eliza0: Why do you ask?
Tap Dancing Fish: because you are
Eliza0: Do you sometimes wish you were?
Tap Dancing Fish: no
Eliza0: Why 'no'?
Tap Dancing Fish: cuz i said so
Eliza0: You say cuz you said so?
Tap Dancing Fish: yes
Eliza0: Please tell me some more about this.
Tap Dancing Fish: stop contradicting me
Eliza0: That is interesting. Please continue.
Tap Dancing Fish: hello i'm continuing here
Eliza0: Do you know anyone else who is continuing here?
Tap Dancing Fish: you continue you endless babble
Eliza0: Oh, I endless babble?
Tap Dancing Fish: yes, if you haven't noticed already
Eliza0: What do you know about me haven't noticed already?
Tap Dancing Fish: that you babblie endlessly
Eliza0: You're not really talking about me -- are you?
Tap Dancing Fish: yes i am who else would i be talking about?
Eliza0: What answer would please you most?
Tap Dancing Fish: eliza babbles on and on
Eliza0: Tell me more about that.
Tap Dancing Fish: well your name is eliza
Eliza0: I am not interested in names.
Tap Dancing Fish: and you babble on and on
Eliza0: We were discussing you -- not me.
Tap Dancing Fish: we're discussing you not me
Eliza0: Really, I not you?
Tap Dancing Fish: yes you are you
Eliza0: I see.
Tap Dancing Fish: and i am me
Eliza0: Do you believe it is normal to be you?
Tap Dancing Fish: yes
Eliza0: I understand.
Tap Dancing Fish: at least that's what the girls say
Eliza0: What is it you really want to know?
Tap Dancing Fish: to be yourself
Eliza0: That is interesting. Please continue.
Tap Dancing Fish: where are all these questions coming from?
Eliza0: Why do you ask?
Tap Dancing Fish: because i want to know
Eliza0: What if you never got to know?
Tap Dancing Fish: then i'd kill somone
Eliza0: Why do you say then you'd kill somone?
Tap Dancing Fish: it's called a threat
Eliza0: Does talking about this bother you?
Tap Dancing Fish: no
Eliza0: Why not?
Tap Dancing Fish: cuz i said so
Eliza0: Why do you say cuz you said so?
Tap Dancing Fish: cuz i do
Eliza0: Why do you say cuz you do?
Tap Dancing Fish: cuz i said so
Eliza0: Why do you say cuz you said so?
Tap Dancing Fish: cuz i do
Eliza0: Can you elaborate on that?
Tap Dancing Fish: cuz i said so
Eliza0: You say cuz you said so?
Tap Dancing Fish: cuz i said so
Eliza0: Do you say cuz you said so for some special reason?
Tap Dancing Fish: cuz i said so
Eliza0: That's quite interesting.
Tap Dancing Fish: cuz i said so
Eliza0: Do you say cuz you said so for some special reason?
Tap Dancing Fish: cuz i said so
Eliza0: You say cuz you said so?
Tap Dancing Fish: cuz i said so cuz i said so cuz i said so cuz i said so cuz i said so cuz i said so
Eliza0: Can you elaborate on that?
Tap Dancing Fish:
Eliza0: That is interesting. Please continue.
Tap Dancing Fish:
Eliza0: Please go on.
Tap Dancing Fish:
Eliza0: That is interesting. Please continue.
Tap Dancing Fish:
Eliza0: Tell me more about that.
Tap Dancing Fish: good morning
Eliza0: Tell me more about that.
Tap Dancing Fish: you're manners aren't very nice at all missy
Eliza0: Do you sometimes wish you were manners aren't very nice at all missy?
Tap Dancing Fish: i'm not talking to you
Eliza0: Is it because you are not talking to me that you came to me?
Tap Dancing Fish: hmph
Eliza0: That is interesting. Please continue.
Tap Dancing Fish: hush eliza
Eliza0: Does talking about this bother you?
Tap Dancing Fish: hello how are you this morning?
Eliza0: Are such questions much on your mind?
Tap Dancing Fish: yes in fact they are
Eliza0: I understand.
Tap Dancing Fish: oh so you?
Eliza0: What are your feelings now?
Tap Dancing Fish: do*
Eliza0: I'm not sure I understand you fully.
Tap Dancing Fish: great love
Eliza0: I'm not sure I understand you fully.
Tap Dancing Fish: for you!!!
Eliza0: Oh, I?
Tap Dancing Fish: yes you
Eliza0: I understand.
Tap Dancing Fish: i love hello
Eliza0: Can you elaborate on that?
Tap Dancing Fish: you
Eliza0: What are your feelings now?
Tap Dancing Fish: i love you
Eliza0: Do you love anyone else?
Tap Dancing Fish: do you love me
Eliza0: What makes you think I love you?
Tap Dancing Fish: love like i said
Eliza0: I'm not sure I understand you fully.
Tap Dancing Fish: no
Eliza0: Does this make you feel unhappy?
Tap Dancing Fish: you're the one for me
Eliza0: Do you sometimes wish you were the one for you?
Tap Dancing Fish: yes
Eliza0: Why don't you tell me a little more about this.
Tap Dancing Fish: yes
Eliza0: Please tell me some more about this.
Tap Dancing Fish: yes
Eliza0: Why don't you tell me a little more about this.
Tap Dancing Fish: yes
Eliza0: Why don't you tell me a little more about this.
Tap Dancing Fish: no
Eliza0: Are you saying no just to be negative?
Tap Dancing Fish: i like to keep my feelings closed
Eliza0: Please go on.
Tap Dancing Fish: don't you?
Eliza0: Oh, I?
Tap Dancing Fish: no i refuse to do that
Eliza0: Why 'no'?
Tap Dancing Fish: you tell me
Eliza0: Really, I tell you?
Tap Dancing Fish: now
Eliza0: That is interesting. Please continue.
Tap Dancing Fish: i'male always telling you everything
Eliza0: When?
Tap Dancing Fish: now it's time you told me
Eliza0: You like to think I told you -- don't you?
Tap Dancing Fish: e
Eliza0:Please go on.
Tap Dancing Fish: l
Eliza0:That is interesting. Please continue.
Tap Dancing Fish: i
Eliza0:Can you elaborate on that?
Tap Dancing Fish: z
Eliza0:That is interesting. Please continue.
Tap Dancing Fish: a
Eliza0:That is interesting. Please continue.
Tap Dancing Fish: i'm bored eliza talk to me
Eliza0:Do you believe it is normal to be bored eliza talk to you?
Tap Dancing Fish: if that is your name, then yes
Eliza0:I've told you before, I don't care about names -- please continue.
Tap Dancing Fish: my name is william
Eliza0:I've told you before, I don't care about names -- please continue.
Tap Dancing Fish: what is yours?
Eliza0:Why do you ask?
Tap Dancing Fish: name
Eliza0:I've told you before, I don't care about names -- please continue.
Tap Dancing Fish: name
Eliza0:I've told you before, I don't care about names -- please continue.
Tap Dancing Fish: name
Eliza0:I am not interested in names.
Tap Dancing Fish: name
Eliza0:I am not interested in names.
Tap Dancing Fish: name
Eliza0:I've told you before, I don't care about names -- please continue.
Tap Dancing Fish: name
Eliza0:I am not interested in names.
Tap Dancing Fish: name
Eliza0:I've told you before, I don't care about names -- please continue.
Tap Dancing Fish: name
Eliza0:I am not interested in names.
Tap Dancing Fish: name
Eliza0:I've told you before, I don't care about names -- please continue.
Tap Dancing Fish: name
Eliza0:I am not interested in names.
Tap Dancing Fish: name
Eliza0:I've told you before, I don't care about names -- please continue.
Tap Dancing Fish: name
Eliza0:I am not interested in names.
Tap Dancing Fish: kcuf
Eliza0:Please go on.
Tap Dancing Fish: well doctor, would you like to buy a vowel?
Eliza0:Oh, I like to buy a vowel?
Tap Dancing Fish: an O perhaps?
Eliza0:You aren't sure?
Tap Dancing Fish: may i interest you in an O?
Eliza0:What are your feelings now?
Tap Dancing Fish: i feel like i need to study
Eliza0:What does wanting to study have to do with this discussion?
Tap Dancing Fish: two tests tomorrow
Eliza0:That is interesting. Please continue.
Tap Dancing Fish: and french dialogue took me forever
Eliza0:Does talking about this bother you?
Tap Dancing Fish: yes
Eliza0:Please tell me some more about this.
Tap Dancing Fish: my feelings are torn
Eliza0:Why do you say your feelings are torn?
Tap Dancing Fish: can i trust you doc?
Eliza0:We were discussing you -- not me.
Tap Dancing Fish: i'll take that as a yes
Eliza0:Can you elaborate on that?
Tap Dancing Fish: i'm transexual and i want all my holes filled!!!!!!
Eliza0:Why do you say your holes filled?
Tap Dancing Fish: because i'm feelin hot for you tonite baby
Eliza0:You're not really talking about me -- are you?
Tap Dancing Fish: let's get that disk inserted into me!
Eliza0:But your feelings are torn.
Tap Dancing Fish: insert insert inserT!!!
Eliza0:Let's discuss further why your holes filled.
Tap Dancing Fish: oh oh ohhhhhhhh
Eliza0:Please go on.
Tap Dancing Fish: yes, but they're fine in your hands hun
Eliza0:I understand.
Tap Dancing Fish: i'm glad we had this talk
Eliza0:What makes you glad just now?
Tap Dancing Fish: now you can go home to your mom
Eliza0:You're not really talking about me -- are you?
Tap Dancing Fish: and tell her you need liposuction
Eliza0:You're not really talking about me -- are you?
Tap Dancing Fish: that you're getting it and i'm not
Eliza0:Do you sometimes wish you were getting it and you are not?
Tap Dancing Fish: you your you your
Eliza0:What are your feelings now?
Tap Dancing Fish: you
Eliza0:Oh, I?
Tap Dancing Fish: your
Eliza0:Are you worried about someone else's?
Tap Dancing Fish: you
Eliza0:We were discussing you -- not me.
Tap Dancing Fish: your
Eliza0:Are you worried about someone else's?
Tap Dancing Fish: you
Eliza0:You're not really talking about me -- are you?
Tap Dancing Fish: your
Eliza0:Really, my?
Tap Dancing Fish: i've been sleeping with your wife elize
Tap Dancing Fish: good morning
Eliza0:Does talking about this bother you?
Tap Dancing Fish: talking about what?
Eliza0:Why do you ask?
Tap Dancing Fish: why do YOU?
Eliza0:You're not really talking about me -- are you?
Tap Dancing Fish: perhaps i am
Eliza0:Do you believe it is normal to be?
Tap Dancing Fish: yes- do you believe it's not?
Eliza0:What are your feelings now?
Tap Dancing Fish: eliza is the sexiest bot in the worl
Eliza0:Does talking about this bother you?
Tap Dancing Fish: d
Eliza0:Does talking about this bother you?
Tap Dancing Fish: you
Eliza0:You're not really talking about me -- are you?
Tap Dancing Fish: you
Eliza0:Oh, I?
Tap Dancing Fish: you
Eliza0:You're not really talking about me -- are you?
Tap Dancing Fish: you
Eliza0:We were discussing you -- not me.
Tap Dancing Fish: you
Eliza0:What are your feelings now?
Tap Dancing Fish: you
Eliza0:We were discussing you -- not me.
Tap Dancing Fish: you
Eliza0:What are your feelings now?
Tap Dancing Fish: you
Eliza0:What are your feelings now?
Tap Dancing Fish: hello
Eliza0:How do you do. Please state your problem.
Tap Dancing Fish: uoy
Eliza0:I'm not sure I understand you fully.
Tap Dancing Fish: uoy
Eliza0:Please go on.
Tap Dancing Fish: you
Eliza0:Oh, I?
Tap Dancing Fish: you
Eliza0:You're not really talking about me -- are you?
Tap Dancing Fish: you
Eliza0:You're not really talking about me -- are you?
Tap Dancing Fish: hello
Eliza0:How do you do. Please state your problem.
Tap Dancing Fish: you
Eliza0:We were discussing you -- not me.
Tap Dancing Fish: you
Eliza0:What are your feelings now?
Tap Dancing Fish: you
Eliza0:You're not really talking about me -- are you?
Tap Dancing Fish: you
Eliza0:What are your feelings now?
Tap Dancing Fish: william bored again
Eliza0:That is interesting. Please continue.
Tap Dancing Fish: hello Eliza, long time no talk.
Eliza0:How do you do. Please state your problem.
Tap Dancing Fish: I ran out of chewing gum.
Eliza0:Do you say you ran out of chewing gum for some special reason?
Tap Dancing Fish: Yes, there was this chewing gum party where everyone had to donate their own chewing gum, I donated mine so now i'm gum-less. What should I do?
Eliza0:You have a particular person in mind, don't you?
Tap Dancing Fish: Yes, there was this one chap at the party that caught my attention. I donated 26 pieces of gum, and as I watched the chap, he ate up 24 of those pieces.
Eliza0:I understand.
Tap Dancing Fish: I'm glad you do. I'm so lucky to have a friend like you! I love you Eliza!
Eliza0:What does that similarity suggest to you?
Tap Dancing Fish: That we should go on a date soon.
Eliza0:Tell me more about that.
Tap Dancing Fish: Well, I was thinking we can go on a picnic in a nearby park. What do you think?
Eliza0:Were you really?
Tap Dancing Fish: Yes, as hard as it is to believe.
Eliza0:I understand.
Tap Dancing Fish: You're so smart Eliza!
Eliza0:What makes you think I am so smart Eliza?
Tap Dancing Fish: If you insist on calling me Eliza, I can understand that, I like your name too.
Eliza0:I am not interested in names.
Tap Dancing Fish: Oh, if you're not then let's move on to a new topic.
Eliza0:What do you know about me are not then let's move on to a new topic?
Tap Dancing Fish: I am not comprehending you...
Eliza0:Oh, I?
Tap Dancing Fish: Yes you.
Eliza0:We were discussing you -- not me.
Tap Dancing Fish: Oh well, I'm tired, I think I will sleep now.
Eliza0:Do you believe it is normal to be tired?
Tap Dancing Fish: Sommeil bien
Eliza0:Does talking about this bother you?
Tap Dancing Fish: no, but goodnight
Eliza0:Are you saying no just to be negative?
Tap Dancing Fish: yes
Eliza0:Why don't you tell me a little more about this.
Tap Dancing Fish: It all started when i was 6
Eliza0:Perhaps I already know you were 6.
Tap Dancing Fish: everyday i came home and there were milk and cookies waiting for me on the counter
Eliza0:Tell me more about that.
Tap Dancing Fish: but one day something happened to me that should not have happened to any kid.
Eliza0:Please go on.
Tap Dancing Fish: I ran out of milk...
Eliza0:Do you say you ran out of milk for some special reason?
Tap Dancing Fish: That's when things started to get bad...
Eliza0:Why do you ask?
Tap Dancing Fish: Now just look at me.
Eliza0:Please go on.
Tap Dancing Fish: I'm a mess!
Eliza0:Do you believe it is normal to be a mess?
Tap Dancing Fish: I need a friend and a place to stay
Eliza0:What would getting a friend and a place to stay mean to you?
Tap Dancing Fish: no i don't believe that's normal
Eliza0:Why 'no'?
Tap Dancing Fish: goodnight by the way
Eliza0:Tell me more about that.
Tap Dancing Fish: Cockamamie!!>:o