Log of PucStck

PucStck: hello
Eliza0: How do you do. Please state your problem.
PucStck: I don't have a problem
Eliza0: Does that trouble you?
PucStck: of course not
Eliza0: Please go on.
PucStck: should it
Eliza0: Does talking about this bother you?
PucStck: are you gay
Eliza0: Perhaps I am gay in your fantasies.
PucStck: but in reality are you
Eliza0: Have you asked such questions before?
PucStck: ?
Eliza0: That is interesting. Please continue.
PucStck: no
Eliza0: Are you saying no just to be negative?
PucStck: you continue
Eliza0: You're not really talking about me -- are you?
PucStck: why
Eliza0: Have you asked such questions before?
PucStck: shut up
Eliza0: Does it make you feel strong to use that kind of language?
PucStck: kiss my @$$
Eliza0: Does that suggest anything else which belongs to you?
PucStck: will you suck my cock
Eliza0: Your cock?
PucStck: yes
Eliza0: I understand.
PucStck: will you give me oral sex
Eliza0: You like to think I give you -- don't you?
PucStck: give me head
Eliza0: Earlier you said your .
PucStck: give me oral sex
Eliza0: Let's discuss further why your cock.
PucStck: suck my dick
Eliza0: Why do you say your dick?
PucStck: because it feels good
Eliza0: Is that the real reason?
PucStck: yes
Eliza0: I understand.
PucStck: will you do it
Eliza0: We were discussing you -- not me.
PucStck: do you like hockey
Eliza0: Earlier you said your dick.
PucStck: what about hockey
Eliza0: What answer would please you most?
PucStck: yes
Eliza0: I see.
PucStck: :-D
Eliza0: Tell me more about that.
PucStck: 8-)
Eliza0: Tell me more about that.
PucStck: no
Eliza0: Are you saying no just to be negative?
PucStck: no
Eliza0: Does this make you feel unhappy?
PucStck: no
Eliza0: Are you saying no just to be negative?
PucStck: maybe
Eliza0: Don't you know?
PucStck: no
Eliza0: Does this make you feel unhappy?
PucStck: should it?
Eliza0: That is interesting. Please continue.
PucStck: i don't know how to
Eliza0: Do you wish to be able to know how to?
PucStck: yes
Eliza0: Please tell me some more about this.
PucStck: hello
Eliza0: How do you do. Please state your problem.
PucStck: i have to write a paper for school
Eliza0: That's quite interesting.
PucStck: how are you
Eliza0: Have you asked anyone else?
PucStck: why?
Eliza0: What is it you really want to know?
PucStck: are you going trick or treating?
Eliza0: What is it you really want to know?
PucStck: i'm not sure
Eliza0: Do you enjoy being not sure?
PucStck: wht
Eliza0: That is interesting. Please continue.
PucStck: a;lkdfj;la
Eliza0: I'm not sure I understand you fully.
PucStck: Brett
Eliza0: I'm not sure I understand you fully.
PucStck: ;alfjd;lkajd;lfj;aljdsf;lkajd;fljka;lsfjd;lkkdsknftrnoosokdfasenikeikskdfa
Eliza0: That is interesting. Please continue.
PucStck: good morning
Eliza0: I'm not sure I understand you fully.
PucStck: how are you doing?
Eliza0: What answer would please you most?
PucStck: i would like a "yes" answer
Eliza0: I'm not sure I understand you fully.