Log of 99

Misha0 has eviled you. Current evil: Misha0
Misha0: test again.
Eliza0: Please go on.
Misha0: intro sh4d0w9
Misha0: intro bittasweetmoo
Misha0: intro shinsukei
Misha0: intro bernard201
Misha0: intro exphile99
Misha0: intro danyal711
Misha0: intro danyal711
Misha0: haxor
Eliza0: That is interesting. Please continue.
Misha0: hello, eliza
Eliza0: How do you do. Please state your problem.
Misha0: haxor
Misha0: hello eliza, how are you?
Eliza0: H0w do you do. Pl345e s7ate your problem.
Misha0: haxor
Misha0: hello eliza, how are you today?
Eliza0: H1. Wh47 533m5 70 b3 y0ur pr0bl3m?
Misha0: haxor
Misha0: intro misha0
Misha0: haxor
Misha0: intro misha0
Misha0: haxor
Misha0: intro misha0
Misha0: intro codetoad01
Misha0: intro danyal711
Misha0: intro danyal711
Misha0: intro smellican1
Misha0: haxor
Misha0: intro soopah256
Misha0: i love you!
XEpsiBot: D0 y0u w15h 70 l0v3 m3?
Misha0: intro mackoob
Misha0: intro bmediratta
Misha0: haxor
Misha0: haxor
Misha0: haxor
Misha0: intro wedge9000
Misha0: intro Muffinman3LiT3
Misha0: intro ixlblackcatixl
Eliza0: I'm not sure I understand you fully.
Misha0: intro ixlblackcatixl
Misha0: intro IxIblack catIxI
Misha0: intro ixiblackcatixi
Misha0: haxor
Misha0: hello dude
Eliza0: How do you do. Please state your problem.
Misha0: haxor
Misha0: hello man
Eliza0: H1. Wh47 533m5 70 b3 y0ur pr0bl3m?
Misha0: haxor
Misha0: hello man
Eliza0: Hi. What seems to be your problem?
Misha0: intro psychologistbob
Misha0: haxor
Misha0: haxor
Misha0: intro wedge9000
Misha0: hello
XEpsiBot: How do you do. Please state your problem.
Misha0 has eviled you. Current evil: 47
Misha0: intro macfreak12
Misha0: intro kiddizzy00
Misha0: intro dg1701
Misha0: intro slntbob707
Misha0: intro SlntBob707:
Misha0: intro peppy476
Misha0: intro gentsjamm
Misha0: intro vain attempt
Misha0: intro kristinalssick
Misha0: intro supremehell
Misha0: intro robby366
Misha0: intro mikeymouse420
Misha0: intro acdcbb
Misha0: intro ixiblackcatixi
Misha0: intro queen7000
Misha0: intro Eliza0
Misha0: hello
Eliza0: Hi. What seems to be your problem?
Misha0: intro nebrok5
Misha0: intro moogle1234
Misha0: intro ixiblackcatixi
Misha0: intro ixiblackcatixi
Misha0: intro ixiblackcatixi
Misha0: intro danrian
Misha0: hello, eliza
Misha0: hello eliza
Eliza0: How do you do. Please state your problem.
Misha0: how are you?
Eliza0: Have you asked such questions before?
Misha0: no.
Eliza0: Why not?
Misha0: hehehehehpdfgpdfjgodigsjdpofgijspdofigjspodfijgposdifjgsoidjteroitpjrewpoijtw
Eliza0: That is interesting. Please continue.
Misha0: hello
Eliza0: Hi. What seems to be your problem?
Misha0: asdfjihasdoifhaoirh4ewoiurhwaiuorhaweoirhaowierhaoiusfhiosadufhasoidfuhasiurhewrjkhwerlkjhsflkjshdfialjheroiauwehriauwehruaihasdfjihads
Eliza0: Tell me more about that.
Eliza0: Why not?
Eliza0: That is interesting. Please continue.
Eliza0: Tell me more about that.
Eliza0: Why are you concerned over my DELAYS ARE NOT WORKING?
Misha0: hello
Eliza0: How do you do. Please state your problem.
Misha0: test sefsdfsdofijasdfoij asdfoij
Eliza0: That is interesting. Please continue.
Misha0: hello eliza
Eliza0: Hi. What seems to be your problem?
Misha0: ;lk ;lk ;l'k ;'lk ';lk po[i po[i poi p[oi nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjkkkkkkkkkkkllllll
Eliza0: Can you elaborate on that?
Misha0: jkjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj
Eliza0: Does talking about this bother you?
Misha0: quit
Misha0: hello eliza
Eliza0: How do you do. Please state your problem.
Misha0: ah good your delays are slightly increased now, this seems to be a good thing
Eliza0: Are you worried about someone else's delays are slightly increased now?
Misha0: GREAT! thirteen seconds...no wait...hello..that is pretty good eliza. you are going to fool them now =)
Eliza0: Why 'no'?
Misha0: asdfpaoseuir0aw4u3585 0-48u32-4u9awurapoeirjupoi4awuypoiaroipreuwpoirawreoiup3uroawiperuawpoeriuawporiuya3wp94u24p98a709r587rpoaisereo;wiuo;wirupoaierupoieuropi32u4poiu4poieruapoeriuapoweiruewporuaopiweurpaoweiurpoawer
Eliza0: Tell me more about that.
Misha0: quit
Misha0: hello elzia, how are you today?
Eliza0: How do you do. Please state your problem.
Misha0: intro jacklin57
Misha0: intro cooldude6002
Misha0: intro snowangel7133
Misha0: intro dlite89
Misha0: intro dlite89
Misha0: intro dlite89
Misha0: intro stantheman209
Misha0: intro PunkGirl15
Misha0: intro psycochic01
Misha0: intro zuna9000
Misha0: intro ishankyou807
Misha0: intro flomo855
Misha0: intro iraziztable
Misha0: intro popexon
Misha0: intro iap dancing fish
Misha0: the following is a test: why are you so stupid?
Eliza0: What answer would please you most?
Misha0: intro thefourthtripley
Misha0: intro thefourthtriplet
Misha0: haxor
Misha0: haxor
Misha0: intro heatdabest
Misha0: intro ixiblackcatixi
Misha0: intro macfreak12
Misha0: intro alt novae
Misha0: intro psychologistbob
Misha0: haxor
Misha0: haxor
Misha0: haxor
Misha0: haxor
Misha0: haxor
Misha0: haxor
Misha0: intro WaRRiOr47389
Misha0: intro gLOWstk
Misha0: intro danyal711
Misha0: intro onewombat
Misha0: intro danyal711
Misha0: intro cnoboardguy
Misha0: intro flangardi
Misha0: intro DSexyBlonde
Misha0: intro steen683
Misha0: intro helixbiker
Misha0: intro Yati18
Misha0: intro kevin3k1
Misha0: void css_descramble(byte *sec,byte *key){#define SALTED(i) (key[i] ^ sec[0x54 + (i)]) unsigned char *end = sec + 0x800; int val; unsigned int lfsr0, lfsr1; byte o_lfsr0, o_lfsr1; lfsr0 = ((SALTED(4) lfsr0 = (reverse[lfsr0&0xff]>8)&0xff] | (reverse[(lfsr0>>16)&0xff]>24); lfsr1 = (reverse[SALTED(0)] #if (CSS_DEBUG & 0x10) fprintf( stderr,"SEED lfsr0:0x%08x lfsr1: 0x%08x\n", lfsr0, lfsr1);#endif sec+=0x80; val = 0; while (sec != end) { o_lfsr0 = (lfsr0 >> 12) ^ (lfsr0 >> 4) ^ (lfsr0 >> 3) ^ lfsr0; o_lfsr1 = ((lfsr1 >> 14) & 7) ^ lfsr1; o_lfsr1 ^= (o_lfsr1 lfsr1 = (lfsr1 >> 8) ^ (o_lfsr1 lfsr0 = (lfsr0 >> 8) ^ (o_lfsr0 val += o_lfsr0 + (byte)~o_lfsr1; *sec++ = csstab1[*sec] ^ (val & 0xff); val >>= 8;#if (CSS_DEBUG & 0x10) fprintf( stderr,"lfsr0:0x%08x lfsr1: 0x%08x o_lfsr0:0x%02x o_lfsr1:0x%02x\n", lfsr0, lfsr1, o_lfsr0, o_lfsr1);#endif }}
Eliza0: Do you think its likely that (CSS_DEBUG & 0x10) fprintf( stderr?
Misha0: static byte csstab1[256]={ 0x33,0x73,0x3b,0x26,0x63,0x23,0x6b,0x76,0x3e,0x7e,0x36,0x2b,0x6e,0x2e,0x66,0x7b, 0xd3,0x93,0xdb,0x06,0x43,0x03,0x4b,0x96,0xde,0x9e,0xd6,0x0b,0x4e,0x0e,0x46,0x9b, 0x57,0x17,0x5f,0x82,0xc7,0x87,0xcf,0x12,0x5a,0x1a,0x52,0x8f,0xca,0x8a,0xc2,0x1f, 0xd9,0x99,0xd1,0x00,0x49,0x09,0x41,0x90,0xd8,0x98,0xd0,0x01,0x48,0x08,0x40,0x91, 0x3d,0x7d,0x35,0x24,0x6d,0x2d,0x65,0x74,0x3c,0x7c,0x34,0x25,0x6c,0x2c,0x64,0x75, 0xdd,0x9d,0xd5,0x04,0x4d,0x0d,0x45,0x94,0xdc,0x9c,0xd4,0x05,0x4c,0x0c,0x44,0x95, 0x59,0x19,0x51,0x80,0xc9,0x89,0xc1,0x10,0x58,0x18,0x50,0x81,0xc8,0x88,0xc0,0x11, 0xd7,0x97,0xdf,0x02,0x47,0x07,0x4f,0x92,0xda,0x9a,0xd2,0x0f,0x4a,0x0a,0x42,0x9f, 0x53,0x13,0x5b,0x86,0xc3,0x83,0xcb,0x16,0x5e,0x1e,0x56,0x8b,0xce,0x8e,0xc6,0x1b, 0xb3,0xf3,0xbb,0xa6,0xe3,0xa3,0xeb,0xf6,0xbe,0xfe,0xb6,0xab,0xee,0xae,0xe6,0xfb, 0x37,0x77,0x3f,0x22,0x67,0x27,0x6f,0x72,0x3a,0x7a,0x32,0x2f,0x6a,0x2a,0x62,0x7f, 0xb9,0xf9,0xb1,0xa0,0xe9,0xa9,0xe1,0xf0,0xb8,0xf8,0xb0,0xa1,0xe8,0xa8,0xe0,0xf1, 0x5d,0x1d,0x55,0x84,0xcd,0x8d,0xc5,0x14,0x5c,0x1c,0x54,0x85,0xcc,0x8c,0xc4,0x15, 0xbd,0xfd,0xb5,0xa4,0xed,0xad,0xe5,0xf4,0xbc,0xfc,0xb4,0xa5,0xec,0xac,0xe4,0xf5, 0x39,0x79,0x31,0x20,0x69,0x29,0x61,0x70,0x38,0x78,0x30,0x21,0x68,0x28,0x60,0x71, 0xb7,0xf7,0xbf,0xa2,0xe7,0xa7,0xef,0xf2,0xba,0xfa,0xb2,0xaf,0xea,0xaa,0xe2,0xff};
Eliza0: I'm not sure I understand you fully.
Misha0: static void css_titlekey(byte *key, byte *im, byte invert){ int i; byte k[5]; int val; unsigned int lfsr0, lfsr1; byte o_lfsr0, o_lfsr1; lfsr0 = ((im[4] lfsr0 = (reverse[lfsr0&0xff]>8)&0xff] | (reverse[(lfsr0>>16)&0xff]>24); lfsr1 = (reverse[ im[0] ] #if (CSS_DEBUG & 0x01) fprintf( stderr,"SEED lfsr0:0x%08x lfsr1: 0x%08x\n", lfsr0, lfsr1);#endif val = 0; for (i = 0; i o_lfsr0 = (lfsr0 >> 12) ^ (lfsr0 >> 4) ^ (lfsr0 >> 3) ^ lfsr0; o_lfsr1 = ((lfsr1 >> 14) & 7) ^ lfsr1; o_lfsr1 ^= (o_lfsr1 lfsr1 = (lfsr1 >> 8) ^ (o_lfsr1 lfsr0 = (lfsr0 >> 8) ^ (o_lfsr0 #if (CSS_DEBUG & 0x01) fprintf( stderr,"lfsr0:0x%08x lfsr1: 0x%08x o_lfsr0:0x%02x o_lfsr1:0x%02x\n", lfsr0, lfsr1, o_lfsr0, o_lfsr1);#endif val += (o_lfsr0 ^ invert) + o_lfsr1; k[i] = val & 0xff; val >>= 8; } key[4]=k[4]^csstab1[key[4]]^key[3]; key[3]=k[3]^csstab1[key[3]]^key[2]; key[2]=k[2]^csstab1[key[2]]^key[1]; key[1]=k[1]^csstab1[key[1]]^key[0]; key[0]=k[0]^csstab1[key[0]]^key[4]; key[4]=k[4]^csstab1[key[4]]^key[3]; key[3]=k[3]^csstab1[key[3]]^key[2]; key[2]=k[
Eliza0: Do you think its likely that (CSS_DEBUG & 0x01) fprintf( stderr?
Misha0: int css_decrypttitlekey(byte *tkey, byte *dkey, struct playkey **pkey){ byte test[5], pretkey[5]; int i = 0; for (; *pkey; ++pkey, ++i) { memcpy(pretkey, dkey + (*pkey)->offset, 5); css_titlekey(pretkey, (*pkey)->key, 0); memcpy(test, dkey, 5); css_titlekey(test, pretkey, 0); if (memcmp(test, pretkey, 5) == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Using Key %d\n", i+1); break; } } if (!*pkey) { fprintf(stderr, "Shit - Need Key %d\n", i+1); return 0; } css_titlekey(tkey, pretkey, 0xff); return 1;}
Eliza0: Does using that kind of language make you feel better ?
Misha0: yes, i think C is a great language, don't you?
Eliza0: I see.
Misha0: no...you "C"
Eliza0: Why not?
Misha0: void CryptBusKey(int varient, byte const *challenge, struct block *key){ static byte perm_challenge[] = {4,0,3,5,7, 2,8,6,1,9}; static byte perm_varient[] = { 0x12, 0x1a, 0x16, 0x1e, 0x02, 0x0a, 0x06, 0x0e, 0x10, 0x18, 0x14, 0x1c, 0x00, 0x08, 0x04, 0x0c, 0x13, 0x1b, 0x17, 0x1f, 0x03, 0x0b, 0x07, 0x0f, 0x11, 0x19, 0x15, 0x1d, 0x01, 0x09, 0x05, 0x0d}; byte scratch[10]; int i; for (i = 9; i >= 0; --i) scratch[i] = challenge[perm_challenge[i]]; engine(perm_varient[varient], scratch, &key->b[0]);}
Eliza0: You say 0x0d}; byte scratch[10]; int you; for (you = 9; you >= 0; --you) scratch[you] = challenge[perm_challenge[you]]; engyoune(perm_varyouent[varyouent?
Misha0: void CryptKey2(int varient, byte const *challenge, struct block *key){ static byte perm_challenge[] = {6,1,9,3,8, 5,7,4,0,2}; static byte perm_varient[] = { 0x0a, 0x08, 0x0e, 0x0c, 0x0b, 0x09, 0x0f, 0x0d, 0x1a, 0x18, 0x1e, 0x1c, 0x1b, 0x19, 0x1f, 0x1d, 0x02, 0x00, 0x06, 0x04, 0x03, 0x01, 0x07, 0x05, 0x12, 0x10, 0x16, 0x14, 0x13, 0x11, 0x17, 0x15}; byte scratch[10]; int i; for (i = 9; i >= 0; --i) scratch[i] = challenge[perm_challenge[i]]; engine(perm_varient[varient], scratch, &key->b[0]);}
Eliza0: Why do you say 0x15}; byte scratch[10]; int you; for (you = 9; you >= 0; --you) scratch[you] = challenge[perm_challenge[you]]; engyoune(perm_varyouent[varyouent?
Misha0: #ifndef CSS_H#define CSS_Htypedef unsigned char byte;/* Tables defined in csstable.c*/extern byte CSSvarients[32];extern byte CSSsecret[5];extern byte CSSmangle0[256], CSSmangle1[256], CSSmangle2[256];extern byte reverse[256];/* Debug functions defined in cssdebug.c*/void print_tab( byte const * b, int len);#endif
Eliza0: Does talking about this bother you?
Misha0: int main(int ac, char **av){ dvd_authinfo ai; char *device = DVD; int i; if (ac > 1) device = av[1]; fd = open(device, O_RDONLY | O_NONBLOCK); if (fd printf("unable to open dvd drive (%s).\n", device); return 1; } for (i = 0; i memset(&ai, 0, sizeof(ai)); ai.type = DVD_INVALIDATE_AGID; ai.lsa.agid = i; ioctl(fd, DVD_AUTH, &ai); } return 0;}
Eliza0: What do you know about (ac > 1) device = av[1]; fd = open(device?
Misha0: absolutely nothing.
Eliza0: I'm not sure I understand you fully.
Misha0: okay eliza, you've done enough for today, you may leave.
Misha0: intro DSexyBlonde
Misha0: intro DSexyBlonde
Misha0: hello
Eliza0: Hi. What seems to be your problem?
Misha0: #!/usr/bin/perluse Socket;while(){ chomp; if(/(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})/) { $ans = ($1 print "$ans\n"; } else { $ip = inet_ntoa(scalar gethostbyname($_)); if($ip =~ /(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})/) { $ans = ($1 print "$ans\n"; } } }
Eliza0: Do you wish that (/(\d{1?
Misha0: not really..that is aaronl's crazy regexps
Eliza0: Tell me more about that.
Misha0: well he's this crackhead visual basic programmer...
Eliza0: I'm not sure I understand you fully.
Misha0: he smokes pop tarts too
Eliza0: I'm not sure I understand you fully.
Misha0: you know. pop-tarts. you roll them up, you smoke them.
Eliza0: We were discussing you -- not me.
Misha0: /me bitchslaps Eliza
Eliza0: Tell me more about that.
Misha0: #!/usr/bin/perluse Socket;while(){ chomp; if(/(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})/) { $ans = ($1 print "$ans\n"; } else { $ip = inet_ntoa(scalar gethostbyname($_)); if($ip =~ /(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})/) { $ans = ($1 print "$ans\n"; } } }
Eliza0: Do you wish that (/(\d{1?
Misha0: I dislike arguing with little twats
Eliza0: Why do you say you dislike arguing with little twats?
Misha0: because i just found out
Eliza0: Can you elaborate on that?
Misha0: that whiny little bitches are no fun
Eliza0: Why 'no'?
Misha0: because like.. they're whiny.... and bitches
Eliza0: I'm not sure I understand you fully.
Misha0: apparently that's part of the problem.
Eliza0: Please go on.
Misha0: i'd like to propose a proposition
Eliza0: Tell me more about that.
Misha0: i would like to do a study on sociology
Eliza0: Does talking about this bother you?
Misha0: Thesis: What happens when Misha's IP address gets to badmoon?
Eliza0: Does that question interest you?
Misha0: greets, eliza0
Eliza0: That is interesting. Please continue.
Misha0: tsk tsk. better implement that
Misha0: hello eliza0
Eliza0: How do you do. Please state your problem.
Misha0: good eliza.
Eliza0: I'm not sure I understand you fully.
Misha0: intro danyal711
Misha0: intro heatdabest
Misha0: No you fagort, computar si not a hat!
Eliza0: Why not?
Misha0: intro raghav86
Misha0: intro trippnfoo
Misha0: intro sadthatswhat
Misha0: intro vertigo2x
Misha0: intro bbdoll88blonde
Misha0: intro danyal711
Misha0: intro olyarcher2
Misha0: haxor
Misha0: intro alt novae
Misha0: intro fishboi117
Misha0: intro kyle baron
Misha0: intro theodorehw
Misha0: intro theodorewu
Misha0: hello.
Eliza0: Hi. What seems to be your problem?
Misha0: intro danyal711
Misha0: hello
Eliza0: How do you do. Please state your problem.
Misha0: quit
Misha0: hello
Eliza0: Hi. What seems to be your problem?
Misha0: sdfsdf
Eliza0: Please go on.
Misha0: intro danyal711
Misha0: intro danyal711
Misha0: intro danyal711
Misha0: intro indojigga
Misha0: invite catsyle
Eliza0: That is interesting. Please continue.
Misha0: intro catsyle
Misha0: intro danyal711
Misha0: intro trippnfoo
Misha0: intro gengiskv
Misha0: hello eliza, are you operational?
epsilon314159:How do you do. Please state your problem.
Misha0: YES! THANK YOU! I LOVE YOU ELIZA! i put in some bullshit code into you and now you seem to work!
epsilon314159:Please tell me some more about this.
Misha0: well i compared your code and example.pl provided with Net::AOLIM and i found that it did some filehandling bullshit with STDIN...so i was about to rip out my hair until i just decided to experiment and add this code (well a disfunctional version of it) to your code and now here i am
epsilon314159:Were you really?
Misha0: i am the happiest man in the world.
epsilon314159:Is it because you are the happiest man in the world that you came to me?
Misha0: yes.
epsilon314159:I see.
Misha0: test
epsilon314159:Please go on.
Misha0: heh.
epsilon314159:Tell me more about that.
Misha0: haxoron
Misha0: hello world
epsilon314159:H0w d0 y0u d0. Pl3453 57473 y0ur pr0bl3m.
Misha0: haxoroff
Misha0: test
epsilon314159:Does talking about this bother you?
Misha0: not really..i am just testing you
epsilon314159:We were discussing you -- not me.
Misha0: test
epsilon314159:Tell me more about that.
Misha0: intro dogbert166
Misha0: intro limpbizkotti1053
Misha0: intro kylebaron
Misha0: intro gengiskv
Misha0: intro the5thquadruplet
Misha0: intro robby366
Misha0: intro bandnerdharut
Misha0: intro heatdabest
Misha0: intro sunfall77
Misha0: intro fugitive0069
Misha0: intro val2685
Misha0: intro shortazn4u
Misha0: intro flyazianguy
Misha0: intro davoodoofunk
Misha0: intro indojigga
Misha0: intro danyal711
Misha0: intro crazyterrorist
Misha0: intro skullcast
Misha0: intro flyassfoineboy
Misha0: intro rbc380
Misha0: intro eveali2
Misha0: intro eveali2
Misha0: intro purplem0nkey
Misha0: intro rbc380
Misha0: intro zini27
Misha0: intro olyarcher2
Misha0: intro scottcruzen
Misha0: intro dlite89
Misha0: intro anpangirl
Misha0: intro anpangirl
Misha0: intro soopah256
Misha0: intro aaronleh
Misha0: intro whitemud
Misha0: intro aaronleh
Misha0: intro aaronleh
Misha0: intro sadthatswhat
Misha0: intro whitemud
Misha0 has eviled you. Current evil: 84
Misha0: intro ntwrkguy2000
Misha0: test
XEpsiBot:Does talking about this bother you?
Misha0: intro garysnethen
Misha0: intro scott cruzen
Misha0: test
XEpsiBot:That is interesting. Please continue.
Misha0: hello Eliza. are you operational?
Eliza0:Hi. What seems to be your problem?
Misha0: that is good to hear. thank you -- that will be all
Eliza0:Oh, I -- that will be all?
Misha0: intro mityaha
Misha0: hello, Eliza
Eliza0:Hi. What seems to be your problem?
Misha0: nuthin
Eliza0:I'm not sure I understand you fully.
Misha0: i need Linux
Eliza0:What would it mean to you if you got Linux?
Misha0: not much
Eliza0:Does talking about this bother you?
Misha0: no, you gay homosexual
Eliza0:Why not?
Misha0: up yous, eliza
Eliza0:Tell me more about that.
Misha0: intro oxaznchicaxo
Misha0: intro zini27
Misha0: intro sweetkissa214
Misha0: intro sweetkissa214
Misha0: intro sweetkissa214
Misha0: hello eliza, you are finally operational!
Eliza0:How do you do. Please state your problem.
Misha0: i have none =) you are finally working again!
Eliza0:Do you sometimes wish you were finally working again?
Misha0: intro sabesy
Misha0: intro jesscu123
Misha0: intro angelsice987
Misha0: intro boardergurl1985
Misha0: intro whitemud
Misha0: hello eliza, are your threads operational?
Eliza0:Hi. What seems to be your problem?
Misha0: hello
Eliza0:Hi. What seems to be your problem?
Misha0: hello
Eliza0:How do you do. Please state your problem.
Misha0: hello
Eliza0:How do you do. Please state your problem.
Misha0: hello
Eliza0:How do you do. Please state your problem.
Misha0: hello
Eliza0:How do you do. Please state your problem.
Misha0: hello
Eliza0:How do you do. Please state your problem.
Misha0: hello
Eliza0:How do you do. Please state your problem.
Misha0: hello
Eliza0:How do you do. Please state your problem.
Misha0: intro christineng0
Misha0: intro christinengo
Misha0: intro ChristineNg0
Misha0: intro flomo855
Misha0: intro misha0
Misha0: into realmacg4
Eliza0:I'm not sure I understand you fully.
Misha0: intro realmacg4
Misha0: intro flomo855
Misha0: intro sabesy
Misha0: intro moonlitstrawbery
Misha0: intro bigbadseaserpent
Misha0: intro moonlitstrawbery
Misha0: boo
Eliza0:Tell me more about that.
Misha0: intro surfagirl83
Misha0: intro cozmeanthony
Misha0: intro anthonyfagundo
Misha0: intro onlyalvestranger
Misha0: intro surfagirl83
Misha0: intro amitv0
Misha0: intro annansldv
Misha0: intro sabesy
Misha0: intro sabesy
Misha0: intro bettyboopsangel
Misha0: hello
Eliza0:Hi. What seems to be your problem?
Misha0: Do you like goats?
Eliza0:You're not really talking about me -- are you?
Misha0: I am indeed talking about you Eliza. Do you like intoxicated goats?
Eliza0:We were discussing you -- not me.
Misha0: intro brbinc4
Misha0: Pentagrams are cool
Eliza0:Are they always cool?
Misha0: No, if they are heated they can be hot.
Eliza0:What do you know about they are heated they can be hot?
Misha0: moo
Eliza0:That is interesting. Please continue.
Misha0: intro moonlitstrawbery
Misha0: intro smarterchild
Misha0: intro complexzeta
Misha0: intro sw33tchika
Misha0: intro ajaykam
Misha0: intro sparkalicious143
Misha0: test
Eliza0:Tell me more about that.
Misha0: intro slimjim0126
Misha0: intro letsgoleslie
Misha0: intro huangelica
Misha0: intro evldvl6666
Eliza0:Your DOG?
Misha0: no, you're dyslexic. I really said GOD.
Eliza0:Why 'no'?
Misha0: intro venomous munkey
Misha0: intro sabesy
Misha0: intro bozobose
Misha0: intro goldenleaf37
Misha0: intro sabesy
Misha0: intro evldvl6666
Misha0: intro xxkizzndtellxx
Misha0: hello
Eliza0:Hi. What seems to be your problem?
Misha0: Yay! You work once again
Eliza0:We were discussing you -- not me.
Misha0: ignore rhythm element
Eliza0:Please go on.
Misha0: intro caloveall2
Misha0: intro itzdetro
Misha0: intro purrziancatt
Misha0: intro smurfkisses247
Misha0: intro shopgirl402