Log of Gpinto22

Gpinto22: hello there
Eliza0: How do you do. Please state your problem.
Gpinto22: i dont have a problem
Eliza0: Don't you really have a problem?
Gpinto22: well if you are gonna drag it out of my im short my left knee hurts a little thirst and im a tad psycotic
Eliza0: What would you do if me are gonna drag it out of your im short your left knee hurts a little thirst and im a tad psycotic?
Gpinto22: how about you
Eliza0: What do you think?
Gpinto22: what
Eliza0: What comes to mind when you ask that?
Gpinto22: when i ask if you have a problem
Eliza0: But what are the chances that me have a problem?
Gpinto22: well thats 4 you to answer what were the chances that i had a problem
Eliza0: You say well thats 4 me to answer what was the chances that you had a problem?
Gpinto22: well pretty good on a day like 2day being that it rained im a young adult male my hormones are goin crazy and i have a bad temper sometimes
Eliza0: Tell me more about that.
Gpinto22: so im intersting you??
Eliza0: What are your feelings now?
Gpinto22: well if i was normal my feelings would be a little insecure because i you havent answered my question and you are actin in an unorthodox manner but being that im more cracked out than you im kinda enjoyin this conversation
Eliza0: What does this speculation lead to?
Gpinto22: it leads to the fact that now its you are turn 2 talk
Eliza0: Do you sometimes wish you were turn 2 talk?
Gpinto22: say that in english now
Eliza0: That is interesting. Please continue.
Gpinto22: okay
Eliza0: Tell me more about that.
Gpinto22: i heard you have big tits
Eliza0: Do you wish to heard me?
Gpinto22: is this true
Eliza0: Please go on.
Gpinto22: ??
Eliza0: Tell me more about that.
Gpinto22: i heard you are a slut
Eliza0: You seem to need to heard me.
Gpinto22: whats heard mean??
Eliza0: I'm not sure I understand you fully.
Gpinto22: no i was just hoping to get with you maybe come to a house party at my friends house get drunk and naked
Eliza0: Does that suggest anything else which belongs to you?
Gpinto22: its suggests i want you are 32 c tits in my face
Eliza0: Why do you say your face?
Gpinto22: becayse my taste buds are located on my tounge in my mouth on my face and i would like 2 taste you are tits
Eliza0: What is the connection, do you suppose?
Gpinto22: the connection between my dick and you are mouth
Eliza0: Your dick and me are mouth?
Gpinto22: yeah that'll do
Eliza0: Does that have anything to do with the fact that your friends house get drunk and naked?
Gpinto22: yep you almost got it just forgot the drunken orgy part
Eliza0: We were discussing you -- not me.
Gpinto22: you might be but im discussing you
Eliza0: Oh, I might be?
Gpinto22: hello
Eliza0: Hi. What seems to be your problem?
Gpinto22: lol you know brian bennini
Eliza0: Oh, I know brian bennini?
Gpinto22: yes you do
Eliza0: I understand.