Log of God835

God835: hello
Eliza0: Hi. What seems to be your problem?
God835: nada mucho, why tu'?
Eliza0: Have you asked anyone else?
God835: no
Eliza0: Are you saying no just to be negative?
God835: como estas?
Eliza0: I'm not sure I understand you fully.
God835: no
Eliza0: Does this make you feel unhappy?
God835: una camisa moderna
Eliza0: That is interesting. Please continue.
God835: no, es verdad
Eliza0: Why not?
God835: cuando esta este camisa?
Eliza0: I'm not sure I understand you fully.
God835: hello no comprende??
Eliza0: Are you saying no just to be negative?
God835 has eviled you. Current evil: 40
God835 has eviled you. Current evil: 45
God835 has eviled you. Current evil: 55