Log of F L O M O 8 5 5
F L O M O 8 5 5: im tired and harker sucks
Eliza0: That is interesting. Please continue.
F L O M O 8 5 5: well first of all, they give way too much hw, and they expect way too much
Eliza0: That is interesting. Please continue.
F L O M O 8 5 5: and its so gay, the teachers suck and the classes are boring
Eliza0: Possibly they are boring.
F L O M O 8 5 5: yeah they are
Eliza0: Did you think they might not be?
F L O M O 8 5 5: NO THEY ARE
Eliza0: Why 'no'?
F L O M O 8 5 5: what the fuck?
Eliza0: Are you venting your feelings now?
F L O M O 8 5 5: dude your a gay mofo
Eliza0: Are you worried about someone else's a gay mofo?
Eliza0: Tell me more about that.
F L O M O 8 5 5: FUCK YOU
Eliza0: Are you angry?
F L O M O 8 5 5: YES
Eliza0: Please go on.
F L O M O 8 5 5: no go away
Eliza0: Why not?
F L O M O 8 5 5: your ass
XEpsiBot: Are you worried about someone else's ass?
F L O M O 8 5 5: no just yours
XEpsiBot: Are you saying no just to be negative?
F L O M O 8 5 5: not really, im saying no cause your an ass
XEpsiBot: Really, my an ass?
F L O M O 8 5 5: wtf?
XEpsiBot: I'm not sure I understand you fully.
F L O M O 8 5 5: ok..
XEpsiBot: Does talking about this bother you?
F L O M O 8 5 5: no
XEpsiBot: Why n07?
F L O M O 8 5 5: hahaha theres a bugf
XEpsiBot: D035 74lk1ng 4b0u7 7h15 b07h3r y0u?
F L O M O 8 5 5: hahaha
XEpsiBot: 73ll m3 m0r3 4b0u7 7h47.
F L O M O 8 5 5: fag
XEpsiBot: 73ll m3 m0r3 4b0u7 7h47.