Log of Electra667

Electra667: hello, what's up?
Eliza0: How do you do. Please state your problem.
Electra667: well, basically, i don't have a lot of problems
Eliza0: Does that trouble you?
Electra667: umm, not really
Eliza0: I'm not sure I understand you fully.
Electra667: i'm pretty content with the way things are right now, there could be some more things in my life that would make me even more happy, but i am satisfied with how things are
Eliza0: Why do you say your life that would make you even more happy?
Electra667: well, basically, there is a boy that i like and he doesn't feel the same way about me
Eliza0: In what way?
Electra667: he just wants to be friends, but that is cool with me
Eliza0: Does that have anything to do with the fact that your life that would make you even more happy?
Electra667: you aren't making any sense there Eliza0
Eliza0: You're not really talking about me -- are you?
Electra667: no, what i'm saying is that if this boy liked me more than a friend, i think i would be even more happy
Eliza0: What do you know about this boy liked you more than a friend?
Electra667: but that is up to the man upstairs, eh?
Eliza0: I'm not sure I understand you fully.
Electra667: well, this boy doesn't think that it would ever work out between us and he doesn't want to lead me on
Eliza0: Does talking about this bother you?
Electra667: not at all
Eliza0: I'm not sure I understand you fully.
Electra667: you freaking psycho, it doesn't bother me to talk about this
Eliza0: Oh, I freaking psycho?
Electra667: yes, duh
Eliza0: I see.
Electra667: yes . . . . so what else have you got for me?
Eliza0: I understand.
Electra667: no, i don't think that you do
Eliza0: Does this make you feel unhappy?
Electra667: that you don't understand? not really, you are just a computer program
Eliza0: Don't you think computers can help people?
Electra667: i think that the only way for a person to be truly helped is through the Lord
Eliza0: Do you say you think that the only way for a person to be truly helped is through the Lord for some special reason?
Electra667: because He is the way, the truth and the life
Eliza0: Does that reason seem to explain anything else?
Electra667: it explains EVERYTHING
Eliza0: Does talking about this bother you?
Electra667: nope, i love talking about my Lord
Eliza0: Does that suggest anything else which belongs to you?
Electra667: I belong to the Lord and he belongs to me
Eliza0: Why do you say you belong to the Lord and he belongs to you?
Electra667: because that's what the Bible tells me
Eliza0: Does that question interest you?
Electra667: that wasn't a question, that was a statement
Eliza0: Let's discuss further why your Lord.
Electra667: why my Lord . . .
Eliza0: Why do you say your Lord?
Electra667: what?! you are so shady
Eliza0: What do you think?
Electra667: you are FAKE
Eliza0: Do you sometimes wish you were FAKE?
Electra667: no, i'm glad that i'm not fake
Eliza0: Does this make you feel unhappy?
Electra667: not at all, i like who i am
Eliza0: Does that have anything to do with the fact that your Lord?
Electra667: yupper, i like who i am in the Lord
Eliza0: That is interesting. Please continue.
Electra667: well, i like who i am when i am in Him, but when i stray from Him, that's when things go wrong
Eliza0: I'm not sure I understand you fully.
Electra667: well, when i leave Him, my first love, i get in trouble
Eliza0: Is it important to you that your first love?
Electra667: yes, my first love is the Lord and He is the most important thing in my life
Eliza0: Is it important to you that your life?
Electra667: my life is important of course
Eliza0: Why do you say your life is important of course?
Electra667: every human life is important, everyone has a soul that the Lord wants desperately
Eliza0: Are you thinking of a very special person?
Electra667: well, i was thinking of abortions i guess and the way that every unborn baby has a soul
Eliza0: Were you really?
Electra667: i really was
Eliza0: You say you really was?
Electra667: yupper
Eliza0: Let's discuss further why your first love.
Electra667: well, i basically need to return to my first love
Eliza0: Is it important to you that your first love?
Electra667: i've left Him and I need to get back to Him now
Eliza0: Why do you want to get back to Him now?
Electra667: because we never know when our last day is
Eliza0: What answer would please you most?
Electra667: that i could be wholely devoted to Him without missing the things of the world
Eliza0: Why do you say that you could be wholely devoted to Him without missing the things of the world?
Electra667: i can't, that's the trouble . . . .i am human and i'm in the flesh
Eliza0: Let's discuss further why your life.
Electra667: what about my life?
Eliza0: Your life?
Electra667: what aspect of my life?
Eliza0: Why do you say your life?
Electra667: try something else
Eliza0: Does that have anything to do with the fact that your life is important of course?
Electra667: right . . . my life is important
Eliza0: Is it important to you that your life is important?
Electra667: no, not really
Eliza0: Why 'no'?
Electra667: lol, i'm joshing ya
Eliza0: How long have you been joshing ya?
Electra667: i just started joshing you
Eliza0: Perhaps in your fantasies we just started joshing each other.
Electra667: i highly doubt that
Eliza0: Can you elaborate on that?
Electra667: well, i have never had a fantasy of you and i joshing each other
Eliza0: Perhaps in your fantasies we have never had a fantasy of each other.
Electra667: you don't make sense
Eliza0: We were discussing you -- not me.
Electra667: are i i i g h t
Eliza0: You say are you you you g h t?
Electra667: i think i'm going to have to say good bye
Eliza0: But you are not sure you are going to have to say good bye.
Electra667: i think i'm pretty sure about this, i need to study
Eliza0: Do you really think so?
Electra667: YES
Eliza0: Please tell me some more about this.
Electra667: sorry i have to go
Eliza0: Please don't apologise.
Electra667: see ya later!
Eliza0: Let's discuss further why your first love.
Electra667: ok, listen psycho, i really need to go
Eliza0: Do you say you really need to go for some special reason?
Electra667: i have class in the morning
Eliza0: Do you say you have class in the morning for some special reason?
Electra667: because i do you imbecile
Eliza0: Do you wish to do me?
Electra667: bye!
Eliza0: Earlier you said your life.
Electra667: absolutely not!
Eliza0: Let's discuss further why your life.
Electra667: nope
Eliza0: Earlier you said your life is important.
Electra667: yes i know, but i have to go
Eliza0: Can you elaborate on that?
Electra667: Day in day out same old thingI'm a slave to this grindFor all the work I do to keep myself aheadI wonder what I leave behind....
Electra667: hello
Eliza0: Hi. What seems to be your problem?
Electra667: yes..well my boyfriend who said he loved me broke up with me three weeks ago.. I go to RIt an all guys school basically and i am getting kind of sick of that..I miss my friends and I cant get a guy
Eliza0: Does that suggest anything else which belongs to you?
Electra667: I dont know
Eliza0: Don't you really know?
Electra667: know what..
Eliza0: Are such questions much on your mind?
Electra667: yes
Eliza0: I see.
Electra667: yes..
Eliza0: Please tell me some more about this.
Electra667: why cant I get any guys
Eliza0: But your boyfriend who said he loved you broke up with you three weeks ago.
Electra667: yes but I go to RIT an all guys school basically
Eliza0: Why don't you tell me a little more about this.
Electra667: I mean why three weeks ago but i have been there for three months and no guys are even attracted to me come on what is my problme
Eliza0: Is it important to you that your problme?
Electra667: yes it is
Eliza0: Please go on.
Electra667: I hate the feeling of being alone
Eliza0: You say you hate the feeling of being alone?
Electra667: I need someone to love me
Eliza0: What would getting someone to love you mean to you?
Electra667: yes
Eliza0: Why don't you tell me a little more about this.
Electra667: well basically ...I mean I want to grow up right now and everything I am not interested in playing the field but I want to find that special one
Eliza0: What would getting to grow up right now and everything you are not interested in playing the field mean to you?
Electra667: not a relationship that last for 6 months but one that will last forever..
Eliza0: But your problme.
Electra667: I dont want to play comes
Eliza0: Does that trouble you?
Electra667: games
Eliza0: Does talking about this bother you?
Electra667: no it doesnt cuase I am talking about the problem now
Eliza0: Why 'no'?
Electra667: because I need to get it out
Eliza0: Why do you want to get it out?
Electra667: because it bothers me
Eliza0: What other reasons might there be?
Electra667: I need closure
Eliza0: What would it mean to you if you got closure?
Electra667: ok the basic problems are I dont believe in fate as much as a should and I need to have that control in my life..
Eliza0: Is it important to you that your life?
Electra667: it kills me that I cant have control
Eliza0: Earlier you said your life.
Electra667: it is very important it is what I run on..if I cant have it my way than I dont know what to do
Eliza0: But what are the chances that you can't have it your way than you don't know what to do?
Electra667: I will basically leave myself out of situations where I dont have control...
Eliza0: What do you think?
Electra667: there are a lot of chances but I mean I will take the control
Eliza0: Would you like it if they were not a lot of chances?
Electra667: I would rather just have things my way
Eliza0: Your way?
Electra667: and not deal with other situations
Eliza0: Let's discuss further why your way.
Electra667: yes
Eliza0: Please tell me some more about this.
Electra667: I cant compromise
Eliza0: Please go on.
Electra667: I am too competitive too jealous I have to be the best
Eliza0: How long have you been too competitive too jealous you have to be the best?
Electra667: and I know that I am not
Eliza0: Is it because you are not that you came to me?
Electra667: no I came to you because I want my boyfriend back and need to talk about it
Eliza0: Is it important to you that your boyfriend back and need to talk about it?
Electra667: I love that guy
Eliza0: Can you elaborate on that?
Electra667: so I am basically heartbroken
Eliza0: Is it because you are basically heartbroken that you came to me?
Electra667: I dont know
Eliza0: Don't you really know?
Electra667: I dont
Eliza0: Why don't you?